Effective Supervisory Skills: Great Leaders Inspire Confidence!

Understanding Effective Supervisory Skills and the Role of The Supervisor

Effective Supervisory SkillsEffective Supervisory Skills play a key role in any organization. They are responsible for creating a link between upper management and front-line employees, and have a dramatic impact on employee performance and behavior.

In this full day program your supervisors will gain an understanding of their role in the organization, acquire knowledge of the legal issues and liabilities facing supervisors, and have a desire to develop more effective supervisory skills and leadership competencies.

Part 1: The Effective Supervisor
  • Identify top ten mistakes of new supervisors
  • Identify competencies necessary for success
  • Identify individual strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • Develop ideas and a plan to improve your individual competencies
Part 2: Legal Considerations for New Supervisors
  • Identify a supervisor’s legal responsibility
  • Discuss aspects of the employment relationship
Part 3: Leadership and Vision
  • Identify the role of vision in leadership
  • Identify the key characteristics of an effective vision
  • Create a personal leadership vision statement
Part 4: Motivating Others
  • Identify a model of motivation
  • Identify the differences and similarities between values and beliefs
  • Practice developing “win-win” situations when attempting to change others’ behaviors
Part 5: Enhancing Your Supervisory Skills
  • Write a personalized action plan
  • Complete a performance plan to assist in professional growth and development

Start your organization’s high performance transformation with Donald J. Ford, Ph.D. and this 360 Solutions Training Program: Click Here!

Or go to the Training Education Management Contact Us page for program inquiries.
