Education and Training

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2017 started at one of the bleakest moments for American women since the birth of the modern feminist movement in the 1960s.  Women faced the prospect of being governed for the next four years by an admitted sexual predator and a Republican Congress hellbent on taking away their health care.  To make matters worse, White […]


Here’s an interview I recently did with ATD’s Amanda Smith on their Designing Learning Certificate Program. Dr. Ford has been a Facilitator of this program since 2004.


The Big Picture Globalization is under attack.  It is the revenge of the Nativists.  Across the world, people voted for nationalistic populists who promised to save them by erecting walls and cutting off ties with the rest of the world.  Transnational corporations who have benefited the most from the global economy are the new bogeymen.  […]


A colleague of mine recently asked me to contribute my views on the future of training.  I thought this was a tough assignment, since I have no magic crystal ball to predict the future of anything.  But as I thought about the request, several themes kept rolling around my brain. The future of training will […]


“Just when I figured out the meaning of life, they changed it.” George Carlin, American comedian


If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves. Maria Edgeworth, Anglo-Irish author


“Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.  One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.” Sandra Carey Cody, American author.


Today’s Thought: “Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest foreign policy and I wish we may always pursue it.” Thomas Jefferson, 1st Democrat U.S. President and Author of the Declaration of Independence.


The Big Picture 2015 was a year that epitomizes the epic human struggle between evil and good. Syria, refugee migration, anti-immigration backlash, ISIS, Paris, San Bernardino. The headlines screamed terror and death, so the people ran in fear and panic. The stampede of refugees from war-torn areas of the Middle East and Africa set off […]


“Doubt can be ended by action alone.” Thomas Carlyle, Scottish author.


We have been bombarded with news of human conflict lately, from road rage to police shootings to wars ravaging the Muslim world. It appears as if we are losing our human decency, but the fact is human beings have been conflicted from the beginning of our existence as a species. The particular reasons for conflicts […]


Strategic Human Resource Management for Your Organization In regard to Strategic Human Resource Management, we hear a lot these days about the need to be strategic. We know that organizations need an effective and well-articulated strategy to navigate the turbulent times we inhabit. But what does it really mean to be a strategic Human Resource […]


We can help you prepare your experts to design and deliver your own in-house training programs or become certified to deliver our programs.   We offer a number of train the trainer programs, depending on your needs.  Among the topics we teach are the following: Training Needs Assessment Performance Analysis and Consulting Instructional Design Training Delivery Training Evaluation […]

