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Psychological Learning Process and Neuroscience of How We Learn. One of the most important topics covered in the Designing Learning certificate program that I teach for ATD is the neuroscience of how humans learn or the Psychological Learning Process.  Thanks to breakthroughs in medical science, we now know much more about how the brain functions […]


Superlearning starts with the right attitudes.  The following podcast discusses three key attitudes of superlearners.


Before taking action, leaders need to ascertain the root cause of the problem they are facing.  TEM offers custom needs analysis services that accurately define people problems, identify the root cause and offer tailored solutions.  We use Performance DNA technology to systematically understand the performance issues your organization faces and identify specific courses of action […]


In my last blog on the role of memory in learning, I discussed how the brain formulates memories based on repeated exposure to sensory information in our environment and application of new knowledge in our daily lives.  In this final blog on memory, I will turn to the important subject of improving our ability to […]


We have all experienced the frustration of learning something new but being unable to remember it when we need it.  Memory is clearly a key ingredient in learning, since it is our ability to remember that allows us to apply new learning.  The crucial role of memory is even more important today as we confront […]


The Big Picture 2018 saw its share of thrills and spills.  Politics was a grudge match with partisanship on full display.  The economy was a roller-coaster that took us on a wild ride to nowhere.  Society and culture responded with moments of madness and merriment.  Amid the tumult, my own life was amazingly tranquil, with […]


What does metacognition, attitude and memory have to do with learning? In a previous blog, I described the key elements of learning to be a superlearner, starting with cultivating a learning attitude: Attitude – curiosity, open-mindedness and motivation are key attitudes that drive learning behavior and outcomes Metacognition – thinking about thinking, being self-aware, creating […]


For those following the US elections, my latest views on electoral reform @dailykos



Is Your Job Related Testing Effective? Has your Job Related Testing been effectively compiled and constructed? A client of mine recently asked me to review a couple of tests that they use to verify the proficiency of their technical workers after training. Initially, they were concerned that some of the wording and answer choices were […]


We would all like to be able to learn better.  Given an expanding universe of knowledge that doubles every decade, the ability to learn is critical to our success in life, if not our very survival.  In the first of a series of articles, I will share what I have learned over a lifetime of […]


Back in my elementary youth, I remember using the SRA Reading Laboratory to improve my reading comprehension and vocabulary. The instructional system was based on a progressive reading curriculum that started at first grade and built all the way to college level texts. The key to the system, considered revolutionary for its time, was programmed […]


Unconscious Bias Training for Imbedded Stereotypes What is Unconscious Bias Training? After a much-publicized racial profiling incident that resulted in the arrest of two African-Americans at a Philadelphia Starbucks for the apparent ‘crime’ of asking to use the restroom without making a purchase, the company shut 8,000 of its U.S. stores for an afternoon of Unconscious […]


Home DNA testing allows individuals to gain valuable insight into their ancestry and inherited diseases. With a simple saliva sample, genetic testing based on the human genome can point to the risk of familial cancers, neurological disorders, allergies and other maladies caused by our genes. Thousands of Americans have already obtained such information, yet medical […]


Once again, Americans must confront another mass shooting at another school.  Beyond the immediate outpouring of grief and sympathy, we conduct collective soul-searching about the motives and causes of these recurring tragedies.  Inevitably, everyone retreats to familiar corners of the debate – is it the person or the weapon most at fault?  Is it a […]


2017 started at one of the bleakest moments for American women since the birth of the modern feminist movement in the 1960s.  Women faced the prospect of being governed for the next four years by an admitted sexual predator and a Republican Congress hellbent on taking away their health care.  To make matters worse, White […]


Like every other American, I have long wondered about my origins. Being a nation of immigrants presents challenges to tracing our roots. At some point, they stretch back to foreign soil, to places that most of us will never have the chance to visit. So, the ancestral trail can run cold quickly. Genetic Testing When […]


Here’s an interview I recently did with ATD’s Amanda Smith on their Designing Learning Certificate Program. Dr. Ford has been a Facilitator of this program since 2004.


The Big Picture Globalization is under attack.  It is the revenge of the Nativists.  Across the world, people voted for nationalistic populists who promised to save them by erecting walls and cutting off ties with the rest of the world.  Transnational corporations who have benefited the most from the global economy are the new bogeymen.  […]


A colleague of mine recently asked me to contribute my views on the future of training.  I thought this was a tough assignment, since I have no magic crystal ball to predict the future of anything.  But as I thought about the request, several themes kept rolling around my brain. The future of training will […]

