Making Your Webinars Work in the Age of Coronavirus

Greeting students in a webinar
Give Training Education Management’s Making Webinars Work a listen. Webinars have become popular now that the Coronavirus Pandemic has forced cancellation of live classes and seminars.
Learn seven best practices for designing and delivering effective webinars as part of Training Education Management’s Learning to Learn podcast series. Dr. Don Ford guides you through the best practices for webinars.
Best Practice #1: Prepare a separate instructional design plan for webinars.
Best Practice #2: Create a supportive online learning community.
Best Practice #3: Set clear expectations for course completion.
Best Practice #4: Use a variety of instructional methods and activities.
Best Practice #5: Keep group sizes small to encourage interaction.
Best Practice #6: Embrace the technology.
Best Practice #7: Learn from Experience.
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